Dear Fellow Screenwriters,
I know you are excited when you get permission to submit a script to a production company or studio. They’re going to flip open that script, be blown away by your writing, and call you up to ask if they can buy it for one million dollars, right? Of course! So don’t blow it by sending crazy looking packages like this.
It literally took me 3 minutes to open this package. I had to whip out a box cutter and put my back into it. The last thing you want to do is make it difficult to read your script. Why? Readers are swamped with mile high piles of scripts waiting to be read. If they fee like they have to break into Ft. Knox in order to read a script, guess where it’s going. The TRASH!
I didn’t throw this script away though. I don’t do that because as a fellow screenwriter, I have a heart and wouldn’t want anybody to throw my script away without reading it. But, I was annoyed and tossed it to the side to read whenever I can get to it. Most readers aren’t as nice as I am though. Your script will be in the can before it’s in the can. Get it? No? Sorry, I write drama, not comedy.