My reading has slacked off terribly. I’m an avid reader who fell off the wagon. How did this happen? I blame TV and social media. Really, I blame myself because nobody forced me to engage in those things. Well, I’m over ruling myself and returning to my reading habits. The first book up is Lilith’s Brood by the late great Octavia Butler. Lilith’s Brood is a trilogy in one volume: Dawn, Adulthood Rites, and Imago.
I’m embarrassed to admit that Lilith’s Brood is my first dive into Octavia Butler. Her books have been on my To Be Read List for years. For whatever reason, I just never got around to reading them. Years ago, I bought Lilith’s Brood with every intention of reading it, but that never happened. I bought the book at a used bookstore, brought it home, and put in on my bookshelf without even cracking it open. I wasn’t ready for it and it wasn’t ready for me. Until now.
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been having a yearning to read Octavia, but still never did it. It was after I heard an amazing podcast episode by GirlTrek called GirlTrek’s Black History Bootcamp. The podcast is a 21 day look into black female history. On the 21st day they showcased Octavia. At the end of the podcast, I finally cracked open Lilith’s Brood. Guess what I found. It was signed by Octavia. All these years I had this book and never knew it was autographed. I flipped out! How amazing is that?!!
Three pages in and I was captivated already. The main character was experiencing these “awakenings.” I immediately wanted to know what they were. I’m only on chapter two, so I still don’t know much about the story yet. According to the book cover, Lilith’s Brood is about a woman mourning the death of her family when war destroys the Earth. She is awakened centuries later by unearthly beings. Together, they must work together to restore the planet. This book feels very timely with the COVID-19 virus running rampant through the world right now. Funny how I pick this book up now . . .